CrossRef Funder Registry Browser

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No. Fundref ID Funder Name BodyType Country
1 10.13039/100008977 Abbott Korea Private South Korea
2 10.13039/501100010480 Advanced Biometric Research Center, Seoul National University(ABRC) Government South Korea
3 10.13039/501100005073 Agency for Defense Development(ADD) Government South Korea
4 10.13039/501100002619 Ajou University Private South Korea
5 10.13039/501100002441 Andong National University Private South Korea
6 10.13039/501100008771 Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency(QIA) Government South Korea
7 10.13039/501100003586 Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission(ACRC) Government South Korea
8 10.13039/501100002442 Anyang University(AYU) Private South Korea
9 10.13039/501100005006 Asan Institute for Life Sciences, Asan Medical Center Private South Korea
10 10.13039/501100002620 Asian Center for Theological Studies and Missions, Asia United Theological University(Asia United Theological University) Private South Korea
11 10.13039/501100004599 AstraZeneca Korea Private South Korea
12 10.13039/501100002443 Baekseok University(BU) Private South Korea
13 10.13039/100007840 Bioland Private South Korea
14 10.13039/100016988 Biomedical Research Institute, Jeonbuk National University Hospital(전북 대학교 병원의 생명 연구원) Government South Korea
15 10.13039/501100003582 Board of Audit and Inspection(BAI) Government South Korea
16 10.13039/501100003334 Bucheon St. Mary's Hospital Private South Korea
17 10.13039/501100003632 Bugok National Hospital Government South Korea
18 10.13039/501100009819 Busan Metropolitan City(Busan Metropolitan City Research Fund) Government South Korea
19 10.13039/501100002600 Busan National University of Education(Pusan National University of Education) Private South Korea
20 10.13039/501100002444 Busan Presbyterian Theological College & Seminary(PCTS) Private South Korea
21 10.13039/501100002601 Busan University of Foreign Studies(Pusan University of Foreign Studies) Private South Korea
22 10.13039/501100002445 Calvin University Private South Korea
23 10.13039/501100012413 Catholic Institute of Cell Therapy Private South Korea
24 10.13039/501100009695 Catholic Kwandong University(CKU) Private South Korea
25 10.13039/501100002447 Catholic University of Daegu(CU) Private South Korea
26 10.13039/501100002648 Catholic University of Korea(The Catholic University of Korea) Private South Korea
27 10.13039/501100002446 Catholic University of Pusan(CUP) Private South Korea
28 10.13039/100010780 Celltrion Healthcare Private South Korea
29 10.13039/100016771 Center for Advanced Meta-Materials(고급 메타 물질 센터) Private South Korea
30 10.13039/501100003657 Central Radio Management Office(CRMO) Government South Korea
31 10.13039/501100009847 CHA University Private South Korea
32 10.13039/501100002448 Changshin University Private South Korea
33 10.13039/501100002629 Changwon National University(CWNU) Private South Korea
34 10.13039/501100002453 Cheongju National University of Education(Chongju National University of Education) Private South Korea
35 10.13039/501100002454 Cheongju University(Chongju University) Private South Korea
36 10.13039/501100002450 Chinju National University of Education(CUE) Private South Korea
37 10.13039/501100002451 Chodang University(CDU) Private South Korea
38 10.13039/501100002452 Chonbuk National University(CBNU) Private South Korea
39 10.13039/501100002864 Chonbuk National University Hospital Private South Korea
40 10.13039/501100002455 Chongshin University(Chongshin University and Seminar) Private South Korea
41 10.13039/501100002456 Chonnam National University(CNU) Private South Korea
42 10.13039/501100002457 Chosun University(CU) Private South Korea
43 10.13039/501100002868 Chosun University Dental Hospital(CUDH) Private South Korea
44 10.13039/501100002458 ChuGye University for the Arts Private South Korea
45 10.13039/501100003633 Chuncheon National Hospital Government South Korea
46 10.13039/501100002459 Chuncheon National University of Education(CNUE) Private South Korea
47 10.13039/501100002460 Chung-Ang University(CAU) Private South Korea
48 10.13039/501100002461 Chungbuk National University(CBNU) Private South Korea
49 10.13039/501100007813 Chungju National University Government South Korea
50 10.13039/501100002462 Chungnam National University(CNU) Private South Korea
51 10.13039/501100007631 Chungnam National University Hospital(CNU Hospital) Private South Korea
52 10.13039/501100002463 Chungwoon University Private South Korea
53 10.13039/501100007783 College of Medicine, Hanyang University Private South Korea
54 10.13039/501100004086 College of Medicine, Koisin University(Kosin University College of Medicine) Private South Korea
55 10.13039/501100006468 College of Medicine, Korea University Private South Korea
56 10.13039/100017051 College of Medicine, Seoul National University(서울대학교 의과대학) Government South Korea
57 10.13039/501100006017 College of Pharmacy, Keimyung University Private South Korea
58 10.13039/501100003602 Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA)(CHA) Government South Korea
59 10.13039/501100002606 Daegu Arts University(Taegu Arts University) Private South Korea
60 10.13039/501100010274 Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology) Private South Korea
61 10.13039/501100002464 Daegu Haany University(DHU) Private South Korea
62 10.13039/501100002607 Daegu National University of Education(Taegu National University of Education) Private South Korea
63 10.13039/501100002608 Daegu University(Taegu University) Private South Korea
64 10.13039/501100002609 Daegu University of Foreign Studies(Taegu University of Foreign Studies) Private South Korea
65 10.13039/501100013490 Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation(Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation) Private South Korea
66 10.13039/501100002610 Daejeon Catholic University(Taejon Catholic University) Private South Korea
67 10.13039/501100002621 Daejeon Theological University Private South Korea
68 10.13039/501100002465 Daejeon University(DJU) Private South Korea
69 10.13039/501100002466 Daejin University Private South Korea
70 10.13039/501100002972 Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering(Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co.) Private South Korea
71 10.13039/501100004470 Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company(Daewoong) Private South Korea
72 10.13039/501100002467 Dankook University(DKU) Private South Korea
73 10.13039/501100003626 Defense Acquisition Program Administration(DAPA) Government South Korea
74 10.13039/501100002468 Dong-A University(DAU) Private South Korea
75 10.13039/501100002469 Dong-Eui University(DEU) Private South Korea
76 10.13039/501100002470 Dongduk Women`s University(DWU) Private South Korea
77 10.13039/501100002471 Dongguk University(DU) Private South Korea
78 10.13039/501100002472 Dongseo University(DSU) Private South Korea
79 10.13039/501100002473 Dongshin University(DSU) Private South Korea
80 10.13039/501100002474 Dongyang University(DYU) Private South Korea
81 10.13039/501100002953 Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction(Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co. Ltd.) Private South Korea
82 10.13039/501100004917 Doosan Yonkang Foundation Private South Korea
83 10.13039/501100002475 Duksung Women`s University Private South Korea
84 10.13039/501100007033 Eisai Korea(Eisai Korea Inc.) Private South Korea
85 10.13039/501100003696 Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI) Government South Korea
86 10.13039/501100002476 Eulji University Private South Korea
87 10.13039/501100002630 Ewha Womans University(Ewha) Private South Korea
88 10.13039/501100002477 Far East University(FEU) Private South Korea
89 10.13039/501100003585 Financial Services Commission(FSC) Government South Korea
90 10.13039/100017496 Foodpolis(한국식품산업클러스터진흥원) Government South Korea
91 10.13039/501100002631 Gachon University Private South Korea
92 10.13039/501100006107 Gachon University Gil Medical Center Private South Korea
93 10.13039/501100003411 Gangneung Asan Hospital Private South Korea
94 10.13039/501100006716 Gangneung-Wonju National University(GWNU) Government South Korea
95 10.13039/501100010955 GemVax and KAEL(GemVax & KAEL) Private South Korea
96 10.13039/501100002479 Geumgang University Private South Korea
97 10.13039/501100002480 Gimcheon University Private South Korea
98 10.13039/501100009510 Global Frontier Hybrid Interface Materials(Hybrid Interface Materials) Government South Korea
99 10.13039/501100003634 Gongju National Hospital Government South Korea
100 10.13039/501100002622 Gongju National University of Education Private South Korea
101 10.13039/501100003694 Green Technology Center Korea(GTC Korea) Government South Korea
102 10.13039/501100002593 Gwangju Catholic University(Kwangju Catholic University) Private South Korea
103 10.13039/501100002582 Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST) Private South Korea
104 10.13039/501100002594 Gwangju National University of Education(Kwangju National University of Education) Private South Korea
105 10.13039/501100002595 Gwangju University(Kwangju University) Private South Korea
106 10.13039/501100013173 Gyeonggi-do Regional Research Center(GRRC) Private South Korea
107 10.13039/501100002478 Gyeongin National University of Education(GNUE) Private South Korea
108 10.13039/501100002596 Gyeongju University(Kyongju University) Private South Korea
109 10.13039/501100002481 Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology(GNTECH) Private South Korea
110 10.13039/501100002583 Gyeongsang National University(GNU) Private South Korea
111 10.13039/501100002482 Halla University Private South Korea
112 10.13039/501100002632 Hallym University(Hallym) Private South Korea
113 10.13039/501100007551 Hallym University Medical Center(HUMC) Private South Korea
114 10.13039/501100002483 Hanbat National University Private South Korea
115 10.13039/501100002484 Hanbuk University Private South Korea
116 10.13039/100008377 Handok Private South Korea
117 10.13039/100008378 Handok Pharmaceuticals Private South Korea
118 10.13039/501100009511 Handong Global University(HGU) Private South Korea
119 10.13039/501100002584 Hangdong Global University(Handong University) Private South Korea
120 10.13039/501100002485 Hanil University and Presbyterian Theological Seminary(Hanil University) Private South Korea
121 10.13039/501100002486 Hankuk University of Foreign Studies(HUFS) Private South Korea
122 10.13039/501100002633 Hankyong National University(HKNU) Private South Korea
123 10.13039/501100002487 Hanlyo University(HNU) Private South Korea
124 10.13039/501100002488 Hannam University(HNU) Private South Korea
125 10.13039/501100002489 Hansei University Private South Korea
126 10.13039/501100002586 Hanseo University Private South Korea
127 10.13039/501100002490 Hanshin University Private South Korea
128 10.13039/501100002491 Hansung University Private South Korea
129 10.13039/501100002380 Hanyang University(HYU) Private South Korea
130 10.13039/501100002492 Hanyoung Theological University(HYTU) Private South Korea
131 10.13039/501100002493 Hanzhong University(HYTU) Private South Korea
132 10.13039/501100003635 Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service(HIRA) Government South Korea
133 10.13039/501100007035 Honam Institute for Regional Program Evaluation(HIRPE) Government South Korea
134 10.13039/501100002494 Honam Theological University & Seminary(HTUS) Private South Korea
135 10.13039/501100002495 Honam University Private South Korea
136 10.13039/501100002496 Hongik University Private South Korea
137 10.13039/501100002634 Hoseo University(Hoseo) Private South Korea
138 10.13039/501100002497 Howon University Private South Korea
139 10.13039/501100003834 Hyosung Private South Korea
140 10.13039/100008256 Hyundai Motor Group Private South Korea
141 10.13039/501100002498 Hyupsung University(UHS) Private South Korea
142 10.13039/501100003836 IC Design Education Center(IDEC) Private South Korea
143 10.13039/501100002628 Incheon National University(Incheon University) Private South Korea
144 10.13039/501100002587 Inchon Catholic University(ICCU) Private South Korea
145 10.13039/501100006090 Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Kyungnam University(Industry-University Cooperation Foundation) Private South Korea
146 10.13039/501100002635 Inha University(Inha) Private South Korea
147 10.13039/501100002636 Inje University(Inje) Private South Korea
148 10.13039/501100012633 INNOPOLIS Foundation Private South Korea
149 10.13039/501100010418 Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion(Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion) Government South Korea
150 10.13039/501100013390 Institute of BioMed-IT, Energy-IT and Smart-IT Technology (Best), Yonsei University(BK21PLUS BEST) Private South Korea
151 10.13039/501100002419 Institution for Marine and Island Cultures Private South Korea
152 10.13039/501100002499 International University of Korea(IUK) Private South Korea
153 10.13039/501100002500 Jeju International University(JIU) Private South Korea
154 10.13039/501100002449 Jeju National University(Cheju National University) Private South Korea
155 10.13039/501100008126 Jeju National University Hospital(JNUH) Private South Korea
156 10.13039/501100002501 Jeonju National University of Education(JNUE) Private South Korea
157 10.13039/501100002502 Jeonju University(JJ) Private South Korea
158 10.13039/501100002624 Jesus University(Margaret Pritchard University) Private South Korea
159 10.13039/501100002503 Joong-ang Sangha University(Joongang Sangha University) Private South Korea
160 10.13039/501100002504 Joongbu University Private South Korea
161 10.13039/501100002505 Jungwon University(JWU) Private South Korea
162 10.13039/501100007107 KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Private South Korea
163 10.13039/501100007108 KAIST Institute for IT Convergence(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Institute for IT Convergence) Private South Korea
164 10.13039/501100010979 KAIST Wearable Platform Material Technology Center(Wearable Platform Materials Technology Center) Private South Korea
165 10.13039/501100002506 Kangnam University Private South Korea
166 10.13039/501100002618 Kangnung National University(KNU) Private South Korea
167 10.13039/501100002507 Kangwon National University(KNU) Private South Korea
168 10.13039/501100002508 Kaya University Private South Korea
169 10.13039/501100002509 Keimyung University(KMU) Private South Korea
170 10.13039/100010778 Kim’s Eye Hospital Government South Korea
171 10.13039/501100002588 Kkottongnae University(Kkottongnae Hyundo University of Social Welfare) Private South Korea
172 10.13039/501100009830 Koisin University Private South Korea
173 10.13039/501100002510 Kongju National University(KNU) Private South Korea
174 10.13039/501100002641 Konkuk University(KU) Private South Korea
175 10.13039/501100002511 Konyang University(KYU) Private South Korea
176 10.13039/501100002512 Kookmin University(KMU) Private South Korea
177 10.13039/501100003719 Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI) Government South Korea
178 10.13039/501100002585 Korea Aerospace University(Hankuk Aviation University) Private South Korea
179 10.13039/501100007694 Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement(KAIA) Government South Korea
180 10.13039/501100005373 Korea Association of industry, Academy and Research institute(KAIARI) Private South Korea
181 10.13039/501100003717 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute(KASI) Government South Korea
182 10.13039/501100003720 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) Government South Korea
183 10.13039/501100002589 Korea Baptist Theological University/Seminary(Korea Baptist Theological University) Private South Korea
184 10.13039/501100003716 Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI) Government South Korea
185 10.13039/501100010239 Korea Carbon Capture and Sequestration R and D Center(Korea Carbon Capture & Sequestration R&D Center) Private South Korea
186 10.13039/501100003669 Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention(KCDC) Government South Korea
187 10.13039/501100002513 Korea Christian University(KCU) Private South Korea
188 10.13039/501100003604 Korea Coast Guard(KCG) Government South Korea
189 10.13039/501100003622 Korea Communications Commission(KCC) Government South Korea
190 10.13039/501100006465 Korea Creative Content Agency(KOCCA) Government South Korea
191 10.13039/501100003595 Korea Customs Service(KCS) Government South Korea
192 10.13039/501100003672 Korea Development Institute(KDI) Government South Korea
193 10.13039/501100003636 Korea Disabled People's Development Institute(KoDDI) Government South Korea
194 10.13039/501100010192 Korea Display Research Corporation(Korea Display Research Consortium) Private South Korea
195 10.13039/501100006279 Korea District Heating Corporation(KDHC) Private South Korea
196 10.13039/501100004080 Korea Drug Development Fund(KDDF) Government South Korea
197 10.13039/501100003660 Korea Education and Research Information Service(KERIS) Government South Korea
198 10.13039/501100010193 Korea Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO) Private South Korea
199 10.13039/501100003703 Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute(KERI) Government South Korea
200 10.13039/501100003674 Korea Energy Economics Institute(KEEI) Government South Korea
201 10.13039/501100003675 Korea Environment Institute(KEI) Government South Korea
202 10.13039/501100003654 Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Insitute(KEITI) Government South Korea
203 10.13039/501100003662 Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology(KEIT) Government South Korea
204 10.13039/501100003584 Korea Fair Trade Commission(KFTC) Government South Korea
205 10.13039/501100007603 Korea Food and Drug Administration(KFDA) Government South Korea
206 10.13039/501100003712 Korea Food Research Institute(KFRI) Government South Korea
207 10.13039/501100003664 Korea Forest Service(KFS) Government South Korea
208 10.13039/501100003606 Korea Foundation(KF) Government South Korea
209 10.13039/501100007633 Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies(KFAS) Private South Korea
210 10.13039/501100003637 Korea Foundation for International Health Care(KOFIH) Private South Korea
211 10.13039/100010774 Korea Gas Corporation(KOGAS) Private South Korea
212 10.13039/501100005608 Korea Green Promotion Agency(KGPA) Private South Korea
213 10.13039/501100003638 Korea Health and Welfare Information Service(HWIS) Private South Korea
214 10.13039/501100003710 Korea Health Industry Development Institute(KHIDI) Government South Korea
215 10.13039/501100003639 Korea Health Promotion Foundation(KHPF) Private South Korea
216 10.13039/501100003640 Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health and Welfare(KOHI) Government South Korea
217 10.13039/501100003676 Korea Information Strategy Development Institute(KISDI) Government South Korea
218 10.13039/501100003661 Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology(KIAT) Government South Korea
219 10.13039/501100003682 Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE) Government South Korea
220 10.13039/501100003677 Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs(KIHASA) Government South Korea
221 10.13039/501100003678 Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade(KIET) Government South Korea
222 10.13039/501100003679 Korea Institute for International Economic Policy(KIEP) Government South Korea
223 10.13039/501100003680 Korea Institute for National Unification(KINU) Government South Korea
224 10.13039/501100006102 Korea Institute of Construction and Transportation Technology Evaluation and Planning(KITECP) Government South Korea
225 10.13039/501100003698 Korea Institute of Construction Technology(KICT) Government South Korea
226 10.13039/501100003702 Korea Institute of Energy Research(KIER) Government South Korea
227 10.13039/501100007053 Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning(KETEP) Government South Korea
228 10.13039/501100003700 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources(KIGAM) Government South Korea
229 10.13039/501100003695 Korea Institute of Industrial Technology(KITECH) Government South Korea
230 10.13039/501100003701 Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials(Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) Government South Korea
231 10.13039/501100011705 Korea Institute of Marine Science and Technology promotion(Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology promotion) Private South Korea
232 10.13039/501100003713 Korea Institute of Materials Science(KIMS) Private South Korea
233 10.13039/501100007049 Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology(KIOST) Government South Korea
234 10.13039/501100003718 Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine(KIOM) Government South Korea
235 10.13039/501100003668 Korea Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology in Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(iPET) Government South Korea
236 10.13039/501100003683 Korea Institute of Public Administration(KIPA) Government South Korea
237 10.13039/501100003684 Korea Institute of Public Finance(KIPF) Government South Korea
238 10.13039/501100008003 Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences(Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences) Government South Korea
239 10.13039/501100003693 Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST) Government South Korea
240 10.13039/501100003708 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information(KISTI) Government South Korea
241 10.13039/501100008322 Korea Institute of Sport Science(KISS) Private South Korea
242 10.13039/501100003705 Korea Institute of Toxicology(KIT) Government South Korea
243 10.13039/501100003605 Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) Government South Korea
244 10.13039/501100004081 Korea International Trade Association(KITA) Private South Korea
245 10.13039/501100003685 Korea Labor Institute(KLI) Government South Korea
246 10.13039/501100003686 Korea Legislation Research Institute(KLRI) Government South Korea
247 10.13039/501100002590 Korea Maritime and Ocean University(Korea Maritime University) Private South Korea
248 10.13039/501100003687 Korea Maritime Institute(KMI) Government South Korea
249 10.13039/501100003629 Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) Government South Korea
250 10.13039/501100002514 Korea Military Academy(KMA) Private South Korea
251 10.13039/501100011908 Korea National Arboretum(KNA) Government South Korea
252 10.13039/100015484 Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy(국가생명윤리정책원브로슈어) Government South Korea
253 10.13039/501100003653 Korea National Institute of Health(KNIH) Government South Korea
254 10.13039/501100002515 Korea National Open University(KNOU) Private South Korea
255 10.13039/501100007812 Korea National Railroad College University(KNRCU) Government South Korea
256 10.13039/501100002591 Korea National Sport University(Korea National University of Physical Education) Private South Korea
257 10.13039/501100002516 Korea National University of Education(KNUE) Private South Korea
258 10.13039/501100002614 Korea National University of Transportation(University of Transportation) Private South Korea
259 10.13039/501100002517 Korea Nazarene University(KNU) Private South Korea
260 10.13039/501100004230 Korea Polar Research Institute(KOPRI) Government South Korea
261 10.13039/501100002518 Korea Polytechnic University(KPU) Private South Korea
262 10.13039/501100003658 Korea Post Government South Korea
263 10.13039/501100006714 Korea Radiation Safety Foundation(KORSAFe) Private South Korea
264 10.13039/501100003699 Korea Railroad Research Institute(KRRI) Government South Korea
265 10.13039/501100003666 Korea Research Council for Industrial Science and Technology(ISTK) Government South Korea
266 10.13039/501100003714 Korea Research Council of Fundamental Science and Technology(KRCF) Government South Korea
267 10.13039/501100003688 Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements(KRIHS) Government South Korea
268 10.13039/501100003689 Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training(KRIVET) Government South Korea
269 10.13039/501100003715 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology(KRIBB) Government South Korea
270 10.13039/501100003704 Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology(KRICT) Government South Korea
271 10.13039/501100013463 Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering(Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering) Government South Korea
272 10.13039/501100003706 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science(KRISS) Government South Korea
273 10.13039/501100008881 Korea Resources Corporation(Korea Resources) Government South Korea
274 10.13039/501100003707 Korea Rural Economic Institute(KREI) Government South Korea
275 10.13039/501100004084 Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF) Government South Korea
276 10.13039/501100013128 Korea Technology and Information Promotion Agency for SMEs(TIPA) Government South Korea
277 10.13039/501100003691 Korea Transport Institute(KOTI) Government South Korea
278 10.13039/501100002642 Korea University(KU) Private South Korea
279 10.13039/100016341 Korea University Guro Hospital(Guro Hospital) Private South Korea
280 10.13039/100016989 Korea University Medicine(고려대학교의료원) Private South Korea
281 10.13039/501100002519 Korea University of Technology and Education(Korea Tech) Private South Korea
282 10.13039/501100007688 Korean Academy of Medical Sciences(KAMS) Private South Korea
283 10.13039/501100002408 Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics(The Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Inc.) Private South Korea
284 10.13039/501100002520 Korean Bible University(KBU) Private South Korea
285 10.13039/501100008544 Korean Dermatological Association(KDA) Private South Korea
286 10.13039/100007687 Korean Diabetes Association(KDA) Private South Korea
287 10.13039/501100003673 Korean Educational Development Institute(KEDI) Government South Korea
288 10.13039/501100003709 Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies(KOFST) Private South Korea
289 10.13039/501100004082 Korean Foundation for Cancer Research(KFCR) Private South Korea
290 10.13039/501100003723 Korean Institute of Criminal Justice Policy(KICJP) Government South Korea
291 10.13039/501100003724 Korean Institute of Criminology(KIC) Government South Korea
292 10.13039/501100003628 Korean Intellectual Property Office(KIPO) Government South Korea
293 10.13039/501100003600 Korean National Police Agency(KNPA) Government South Korea
294 10.13039/100016340 Korean Society of Cardiology(The Korean Society of Cardiology) Private South Korea
295 10.13039/100010153 Korean Society of Echocardiography(KSE) Private South Korea
296 10.13039/501100008962 Korean Society of Gastroenterology Private South Korea
297 10.13039/501100004714 Korean Society of Neurogastroenterology and Mobility(KSNM) Private South Korea
298 10.13039/100016733 Korean Studies Promotion Service(한국학 진흥 서비스) Private South Korea
299 10.13039/501100003692 Korean Women's Development Institute(KWDI) Government South Korea
300 10.13039/501100002521 Kosin University Private South Korea
301 10.13039/100016772 KT(케이티 주식회사) Government South Korea
302 10.13039/501100002592 Kumoh National Institute of Technology(Kumoh National University of Technology) Private South Korea
303 10.13039/501100002522 Kunsan National University Private South Korea
304 10.13039/501100002523 Kwandong University Private South Korea
305 10.13039/501100002524 Kwangju Women`s University(KWU) Private South Korea
306 10.13039/501100002525 Kwangshin University(KSU) Private South Korea
307 10.13039/501100002643 Kwangwoon University(KW University) Private South Korea
308 10.13039/501100004093 Kwanjeong Educational Foundation(KEF) Private South Korea
309 10.13039/501100002526 Kyongbuk University of Foreign Studies(KUFS) Private South Korea
310 10.13039/501100002527 Kyonggi University(KGU) Private South Korea
311 10.13039/501100002597 Kyung Hee University(Kyunghee University) Private South Korea
312 10.13039/501100002528 Kyungdong University(KDU) Private South Korea
313 10.13039/501100002529 Kyungil University(KIU) Private South Korea
314 10.13039/501100002530 Kyungnam University(KU) Private South Korea
315 10.13039/501100002531 Kyungpook National University(KNU) Private South Korea
316 10.13039/501100004600 Kyungpook National University Hospital(KNUH) Private South Korea
317 10.13039/501100002532 Kyungsung University Private South Korea
318 10.13039/501100002623 Kyungwoon University Private South Korea
319 10.13039/501100004118 LG Display Private South Korea
320 10.13039/100016732 LG Yeonam Cultural Foundation(LG연암문화재단) Private South Korea
321 10.13039/501100002598 Luther Theological University(LTU) Private South Korea
322 10.13039/501100003642 Masan National Hospital Government South Korea
323 10.13039/501100002533 Methodist Theological University(MTU) Private South Korea
324 10.13039/100017354 Military Crypto Research Center(군사 암호화 연구 센터) Government South Korea
325 10.13039/501100003599 Military Manpower Administration(MMA) Government South Korea
326 10.13039/501100003952 Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(MIFAFF) Government South Korea
327 10.13039/501100003624 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA) Government South Korea
328 10.13039/100007775 Ministry of Construction and Transportation Government South Korea
329 10.13039/501100003561 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism(MCST) Government South Korea
330 10.13039/501100002701 Ministry of Education(Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea) Government South Korea
331 10.13039/501100013391 Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development(Korean Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development) Government South Korea
332 10.13039/501100004085 Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) Government South Korea
333 10.13039/501100003563 Ministry of Employment and Labor(MOEL) Government South Korea
334 10.13039/501100003562 Ministry of Environment(MOE) Government South Korea
335 10.13039/501100003569 Ministry of Food and Drug Safety(MFDS) Government South Korea
336 10.13039/501100003556 Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea) Government South Korea
337 10.13039/501100003564 Ministry of Gender Equality and Family(Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Republic of Korea) Government South Korea
338 10.13039/501100003567 Ministry of Government Legislation(MOLEG) Government South Korea
339 10.13039/501100003625 Ministry of Health and Welfare(Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs) Government South Korea
340 10.13039/501100006404 Ministry of Information and Communication(MIC) Government South Korea
341 10.13039/501100003558 Ministry of Justice(MOJ) Government South Korea
342 10.13039/501100002994 Ministry of Knowledge Economy Government South Korea
343 10.13039/501100003565 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MOLIT) Government South Korea
344 10.13039/501100006101 Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs(MLTM) Government South Korea
345 10.13039/501100009771 Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries(MOMAF) Government South Korea
346 10.13039/501100003559 Ministry of National Defense(Ministry of National Defense, Republic of Korea) Government South Korea
347 10.13039/501100003566 Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries(MOF) Government South Korea
348 10.13039/501100003568 Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs(MPVA) Government South Korea
349 10.13039/501100012260 Ministry of Public Safety and Security(MPSS) Government South Korea
350 10.13039/501100003711 Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) Government South Korea
351 10.13039/501100004083 Ministry of Science ICT and Future Planning(MSIP) Government South Korea
352 10.13039/501100003621 Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning(MSIP) Government South Korea
353 10.13039/501100003560 Ministry of Security and Public Administration(MOSPA) Government South Korea
354 10.13039/501100013129 Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS) Government South Korea
355 10.13039/501100003555 Ministry of Strategy and Finance(MOSF) Government South Korea
356 10.13039/501100012261 Ministry of the Interior and Safety(MOIS) Government South Korea
357 10.13039/501100003052 Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea) Government South Korea
358 10.13039/501100003557 Ministry of Unification(MOU) Government South Korea
359 10.13039/501100002534 Mokpo Catholic University(MCU) Private South Korea
360 10.13039/501100003643 Mokpo National Hospital Government South Korea
361 10.13039/501100002535 Mokpo National Maritime University(MMU) Private South Korea
362 10.13039/501100002536 Mokpo National University(MNU) Private South Korea
363 10.13039/501100002537 Mokwon University(MWU) Private South Korea
364 10.13039/501100003609 Multifunctional Administrative City Construction Agency(MACCA) Government South Korea
365 10.13039/501100013130 Mundipharma Korea Ltd(Mundipharma Korea) Private South Korea
366 10.13039/501100002538 Myongji University Private South Korea
367 10.13039/501100003644 Naju National Hospital Government South Korea
368 10.13039/501100002539 Nambu University Private South Korea
369 10.13039/501100002540 Namseoul University(NSU) Private South Korea
370 10.13039/501100007270 National Academy of Agricultural Science(NAAS) Government South Korea
371 10.13039/100008905 National Academy of Agricultural Science(NAAS) Government South Korea
372 10.13039/501100003667 National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea(NAS) Government South Korea
373 10.13039/501100003587 National Assembly(National Assembly of the Republic of Korea) Government South Korea
374 10.13039/501100003645 National Cancer Center(NCC) Government South Korea
375 10.13039/501100007271 National Center for GM Crops(NCGC) Government South Korea
376 10.13039/501100003601 National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA) Government South Korea
377 10.13039/501100003670 National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency(NECA) Government South Korea
378 10.13039/501100005056 National Fisheries Research and Development Institute(NFRDI) Government South Korea
379 10.13039/501100003721 National Fusion Research Institute(NFRI) Government South Korea
380 10.13039/501100003646 National Health Insurance Service(NHIC) Government South Korea
381 10.13039/501100003647 National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board(NHPLEB) Government South Korea
382 10.13039/501100003583 National Human Rights Commission(NHRC) Government South Korea
383 10.13039/501100006370 National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology(NIAB) Government South Korea
384 10.13039/501100005880 National Institute of Biological Resources(NIBR) Government South Korea
385 10.13039/100016214 National Institute of Ecology(국립생태원) Private South Korea
386 10.13039/501100010700 National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER) Government South Korea
387 10.13039/501100008787 National Institute of Fisheries Science(NIFS) Government South Korea
388 10.13039/501100003655 National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation(NIFDS) Government South Korea
389 10.13039/100016811 National Institute of Forest Science(국립산림과학원) Government South Korea
390 10.13039/501100011743 National Institute of Meteorological Sciences(NIMS) Government South Korea
391 10.13039/501100003581 National Intelligence Service(NIS) Government South Korea
392 10.13039/501100003665 National IT Industry Promotion Agency(National ICT Industry Promotion Agency) Government South Korea
393 10.13039/501100009338 National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea(Marine Biodiversity institute of Korea) Private South Korea
394 10.13039/501100003648 National Medical Center Government South Korea
395 10.13039/501100003649 National Pension Service(NPS) Government South Korea
396 10.13039/501100003671 National Quarantine Station Government South Korea
397 10.13039/501100003656 National Radio Research Agency(RRA) Government South Korea
398 10.13039/501100003650 National Rehabilitation Center(NRC) Government South Korea
399 10.13039/501100003631 National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Science(NRCS) Government South Korea
400 10.13039/501100008783 National Research Council of Science and Technology(National Research Council of Science & Technology) Government South Korea
401 10.13039/501100003725 National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) Private South Korea
402 10.13039/501100003659 National Science Museum Government South Korea
403 10.13039/501100003697 National Security Research Institute(NSRI) Government South Korea
404 10.13039/501100003594 National Tax Service(NTS) Government South Korea
405 10.13039/501100003681 National Youth Policy Institute(NYPI) Government South Korea
406 10.13039/501100013392 Novarex(NOVAKMED) Private South Korea
407 10.13039/501100003630 Nuclear Safety and Security Commission(NSSC) Government South Korea
408 10.13039/501100003623 Office for Government Policy Coordination, Prime Minister's Secretariat(OPC) Government South Korea
409 10.13039/100015435 Optical Society of Korea(OPTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA CORP) Private South Korea
410 10.13039/501100013423 Ottogi Corporation(Ottogi Co., Ltd) Private South Korea
411 10.13039/501100013424 Ottogi Foundation Private South Korea
412 10.13039/501100003607 Overseas Koreans Foundation(OKF) Government South Korea
413 10.13039/501100002599 Pai Chai University(Paichai University) Private South Korea
414 10.13039/501100003831 Photoelectronic Hybrid Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Government South Korea
415 10.13039/501100002541 Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH) Private South Korea
416 10.13039/100015506 POSCO TJ Park Foundation(포스코청암재단) Private South Korea
417 10.13039/501100002542 Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary(PCTS) Private South Korea
418 10.13039/501100003596 Public Procurement Service(PPS) Government South Korea
419 10.13039/501100002644 Pukyong National University(PKNU) Private South Korea
420 10.13039/501100002543 Pusan National University(PNU) Private South Korea
421 10.13039/501100008130 Pusan National University Hospital(PNUH) Private South Korea
422 10.13039/501100002602 Pyeongtaek University(Pyongtaek University) Private South Korea
423 10.13039/501100003641 Republic of Korea National Red Cross(Korean Red Cross) Private South Korea
424 10.13039/501100003627 Rural Development Administration(RDA) Government South Korea
425 10.13039/501100002603 Sahmyook University(Samyook University) Private South Korea
426 10.13039/100004358 Samsung Private South Korea
427 10.13039/100014553 Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology(SAIT) Private South Korea
428 10.13039/100017141 Samsung Medison(삼성 메디슨) Private South Korea
429 10.13039/501100002544 Sangji University Private South Korea
430 10.13039/501100002645 Sangmyung University(SMU) Private South Korea
431 10.13039/100008976 Sanofi-Aventis Korea Company Private South Korea
432 10.13039/501100002581 School of Medicine, CHA University(CHA School of Medicine) Private South Korea
433 10.13039/501100003690 Science and Technology Policy Institute(STEPI) Government South Korea
434 10.13039/501100002545 Sehan University Private South Korea
435 10.13039/501100002546 Sejong University Private South Korea
436 10.13039/501100002547 Semyung University Private South Korea
437 10.13039/501100002548 Seokyeong University(SKU) Private South Korea
438 10.13039/501100002549 Seonam University Private South Korea
439 10.13039/501100002550 Seoul Christian University Private South Korea
440 10.13039/501100002625 Seoul Jangsin University(Seoul Jangsin University and Theological Seminary) Private South Korea
441 10.13039/100017715 Seoul Medical Center Research Institute(의학연구소) Government South Korea
442 10.13039/501100003651 Seoul National Hospital(SNH) Government South Korea
443 10.13039/501100002551 Seoul National University Private South Korea
444 10.13039/100016275 Seoul National University Bundang Hospital(Международного медицинского центра) Private South Korea
445 10.13039/501100004332 Seoul National University Hospital(SNUH) Government South Korea
446 10.13039/501100002552 Seoul National University of Education(SNUE) Private South Korea
447 10.13039/501100002553 Seoul National University of Science and Technology Private South Korea
448 10.13039/501100002554 Seoul Theological University Private South Korea
449 10.13039/501100002555 Seoul Women`s University(SWU) Private South Korea
450 10.13039/501100002556 Seowon University Private South Korea
451 10.13039/501100002557 Shingyeong University Private South Korea
452 10.13039/501100002558 Silla University Private South Korea
453 10.13039/501100009554 Sinyang Cultural Foundation Private South Korea
454 10.13039/501100003663 Small and Medium Business Administration(SMBA) Government South Korea
455 10.13039/501100002646 Sogang University(Sogang) Private South Korea
456 10.13039/501100002559 Sookmyung Women's University Private South Korea
457 10.13039/501100002560 Soonchunhyang University(SCH) Private South Korea
458 10.13039/501100002561 Soongsil University(SSU) Private South Korea
459 10.13039/501100003652 Sorokdo National Hospital Government South Korea
460 10.13039/501100004475 Starmed(STARmed Co., Ltd.) Private South Korea
461 10.13039/501100003597 Statistics Korea(KOSTAT) Government South Korea
462 10.13039/501100011016 STCube(STCube, Inc.) Private South Korea
463 10.13039/501100002605 Sun Moon University(Sunmoon University) Private South Korea
464 10.13039/501100002562 Sunchon National University(SCNU) Private South Korea
465 10.13039/501100002604 SungKongHoe University Private South Korea
466 10.13039/501100002626 Sungkyul University(Sungkyul Christian University) Private South Korea
467 10.13039/501100002647 Sungkyunkwan University(Sung Kyun Kwan University) Private South Korea
468 10.13039/501100008405 Sungmo Eye Hospital(Busan Sungmo Eye Hospital) Private South Korea
469 10.13039/501100002563 Sungshin Women`s University Private South Korea
470 10.13039/501100010800 Sungshin Women’s University(Sungshin University) Private South Korea
471 10.13039/501100003588 Supreme Court of Korea Government South Korea
472 10.13039/501100003598 Supreme Prosecutors´ Office(SPO) Government South Korea
473 10.13039/501100002564 Suwon Catholic University Private South Korea
474 10.13039/501100002565 Taeshin Christian University Private South Korea
475 10.13039/501100002566 Tongmyong University of Information Technology(TIT) Private South Korea
476 10.13039/501100008321 Toshiba Medical Systems(Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation) Private South Korea
477 10.13039/501100002567 Uiduk University Private South Korea
478 10.13039/501100004841 Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital(Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic University of Korea) Private South Korea
479 10.13039/501100002613 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology(UNIST) Private South Korea
480 10.13039/501100002611 University of Seoul(UOS) Private South Korea
481 10.13039/501100002612 University of Suwon(USW) Private South Korea
482 10.13039/501100002568 University of Ulsan(UOU) Private South Korea
483 10.13039/501100002569 Wonkwang University Private South Korea
484 10.13039/501100002570 Woosong University Private South Korea
485 10.13039/501100002571 Woosuk University Private South Korea
486 10.13039/501100003722 World Institute of Kimchi(WIK) Government South Korea
487 10.13039/501100002649 Yeungnam University(YU) Private South Korea
488 10.13039/501100002572 Yewon Arts University(YAU) Private South Korea
489 10.13039/501100002615 Yong In University(Yongin University) Private South Korea
490 10.13039/501100002573 Yonsei University Private South Korea
491 10.13039/501100009624 Yonsei University College of Dentistry(YUCD) Private South Korea
492 10.13039/501100008005 Yonsei University College of Medicine(YUCM) Private South Korea
493 10.13039/501100009623 Youlchon Foundation Private South Korea
494 10.13039/501100002574 Youngdong University Private South Korea
495 10.13039/501100002616 Youngnam Theological University and Seminary(Youngnam Theological College and Seminary) Private South Korea
496 10.13039/501100002617 Youngsan University(YSU) Private South Korea
497 10.13039/501100002627 Youngsan Wonbuddhist University Private South Korea
Acknowledgments: This CrossRef Funder Registry Browser is based on the FundRef registry database kindly provided by CrossRef. The Korean Council of Science Editors appreciates CrossRef for allowance of using this invaluable database.